
Open source and cross-platform JavaScript runtime built on Chrome's V8 engine


Technology will never stand still. After 20 years of stateless web technology, solutions like Gmail and Facebook has inspired real-time websites with push capability. These real-time web applications are employing push technology over web sockets. Web solutions are being pushed to handle huge number of simultaneous connections with high throughput, which equates to high scalability. These connections are from various types of devices like mobile phones, IOT devices as well as the normal PC browsers.


Target Audience


Course Methodology


3 Days, 9AM -5PM

Course Outline

Introduction to "Modern (ES5)" JavaScript
    JavaScript Refresher
    Basic language features
    Creating variables, Functions and functional programming
    Nesting functions
Introduction to TYPESCRIPT
    Understanding the case for TypeScript
    Types in TypeScript
Introduction to Angular
    What is Angular
    Central Features of the Angular Framework
Building with Components
    Introducing the component tree
    Explaining Dependency Injection
    Component Starter
    Developing a Simple Feedback Component