Ionic 3

Build Amazing Native Apps and Progressive Web Apps with Ionic Framework and Angular


The Economist says there will be 20 billion mobile devices by 2020. Roughly 2 million apps are now in iTune and Google Play. Mobile apps generate additional revenues to every company by encouraging repeat orders from customers on the go. Comparing to the traditional method of marketing mobile apps lowers the marketing cost. This market needs has driven the software industry to focus on mobile apps development. A diverse skill-set is necessary to develop apps for multiple platforms such as Android / iOS.

Angular allows developing awesome web applications powered by TypeScript / JavaScript. Now Ionic framework build on top of Angular, requires HTML, JS and CSS knowledge to build hybrid mobile applications. Hybrid solution enables single code base across multiple platform. Since Ionic allows the developer to release mobile applications without having to learn thousands of different languages, it is extremely popular and in high demand.

This course takes participants from zero to published app, taking a very practice-orientated route. Participants will be building apps throughout the course, learning about the basics of Ionic 3 and its rich component library, how to fetch and handle user input, how to store data and access native device features and much more! Each app will be a real world example that focuses on different topics like Components, Navigation, Tabs, Side menus, User Input, Native Device Features, Storage, Http, and Authentication. Upon completing the app participants will also learn how to run the apps either in browser or on an emulator or on own device.


    A brief refresher on JavaScript, TypeScript and Angular 2

    How to set up Ionic 2 projects

    Basics about Ionic 2 - Navigation, project structure and its rich component library

    Use the beautiful components ships with Ionic 2

    "Back"-Button-Navigation, Tabs and Sidemenus

    Show Modals, Alerts, Toasts and many more useful UI components

    Test the app in the browser, on emulators and real devices

    Fetch and handle user input through Inputs, Textfields, Dropdowns, Dialogs and Sliders

    Authenticate users and access web servers

    Access the local device Storage and native device features like the Camera or Geolocation

    Adding third-party packages for styling and theming the app

    Learn how to configure app and publish it to App Store or Google Play Store

Target Audience

The primary target audience for this course is software developers / programmers. This program is for anybody who has programming background and interested in diving into the development of mobile apps for iOS and Android.


    An understanding of JavaScript

    Little bit of programming experience

    A brief understanding of Angular and TypeScript would be beneficial, but not ultimately required

    For some of the iOS specific features, having a Mac and an iPhone will be beneficial

Course Methodology

The primary target audience for this course is software developers / programmers. This program is for anybody who has programming background and interested in diving into the development of mobile apps for iOS and Android.


3 Days, 9AM -5PM

Course Outline